Understanding the Finland Vehicle Registration Certificate (Rekisterointitodistus)

If you’re planning to register a vehicle in Finland, it’s crucial to understand the Finland Vehicle Registration Certificate, also known as the Rekisterointitodistus. This essential document serves as proof of your vehicle’s legal registration and ownership in Finland. In this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive overview of the Rekisterointitodistus, including its format, components, and the institution responsible for issuing it.

What is the Rekisterointitodistus?

The Rekisterointitodistus is the official vehicle registration document in Finland. It validates the legal status of your vehicle and ensures compliance with Finnish regulations and requirements. The certificate contains vital information about the vehicle and its owner, such as the make, model, engine specifications, vehicle identification number (VIN), registration number, and the registered owner’s name and address.

Components of the Rekisterointitodistus:

The Finland Vehicle Registration Certificate consists of two parts:

Part I (Technical Part): This section includes detailed information about the vehicle, such as:

  • Registration number
  • Date of first registration
  • Personal data of the owner
  • Vehicle information (make, model, year, etc.)
  • VIN
  • Mass and dimensions
  • Engine information
  • Seating capacity
  • Maximum speed
  • Emissions and fuel tank capacity

Part II (Notification Part): This part is used for registering changes and updates to the vehicle registry. It features a different document name and part number from Part I to differentiate between the two sections.

Security Features:

The Rekisterointitodistus incorporates various security features to ensure its authenticity and integrity:

  • Security paper with a watermark (Traficom logo)
  • UV light reaction causing the paper to fluoresce
  • Graphics depicting a road element along the left edge
  • Updated visual identity with Traficom’s new blue visuals (introduced in February 2023)

Issuing Institution:

The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency, Traficom, is responsible for issuing the Rekisterointitodistus. You can obtain the certificate directly from Traficom or through authorized vehicle testing centres in Finland.

Obtaining a Certificate of Conformity (COC):

If you’re planning to take your vehicle to Finland, you may need a Certificate of Conformity (COC) to register it. GetCOC is the top provider of official and authentic COCs valid in all EU and EEA countries. They offer a simple and straightforward process to help you obtain the necessary documentation for your vehicle.

Conclusion: Understanding the Finland Vehicle Registration Certificate is essential for anyone looking to register a vehicle in Finland. By familiarizing yourself with the Rekisterointitodistus, its components, and the issuing institution, you can ensure a smooth registration process. If you require a Certificate of Conformity for your vehicle, GetCOC is the trusted partner to help you navigate the process with ease.